Fellow seculars... have I found proof that the Bible is true?

Just for those of you who are a little slow on the uptake... I'm entering heavy satire mode, here...

The ocean has salt in it. We all know, that in the early days... when God was displeased he would turn people into pillars of salt... so, how could the earth's oceans possibly have salt in them unless the salty corpses were washed up in the Great Flood and dissolved... thus making the ocean salty...

My friend and I came up with this when we were watching Religulous, by Bill Mayer. It was a joke... then we both agreed that's what a lot of religious reasoning sounds like...


Yes, Objection!... me stating it does destroy the subtly... too bad you didn't catch that the phrase "heavy satire mode"... is, in and of itself, sarcastic :P


Lib Nemesis... I would suggest you don't quit your day job, either... because if you can't come up with a more original quip than that you're not gonna get much father in the wit department that you think I am :D


See, Objection!...?

Mainlee1 knows how to do it... even if they can't recognize it when other people do


Lily... If Jesus loves me so much, why doesn't he ever call so we can hang out and shoot hoops? :P


I repent nothing


Favorite Answer

Oh my gosh, sodium chloride is people!


@ fabi Smh light dark good bad antagonist protagonist......everything in this world is based on opposites. Why try and be sarcastic by saying why is there dark somebody wasnt thinking "logical" because if there was no light where would be??? My goodness. Religulous from what i read on what he did was very insulting, i cannot believe someone would actually make a movie making fun of religion. God have mercy on him.


I see


Christian view: I'm a Christian and these are my thoughts:
Only one time (that I know of or that is recorded) did he turn someone into a pillar of salt and I think it was after the flood.
Why are there other sections of water withought salt?

Great theory but has a couple of flaws.


Have you ever watched Edward Current on youtube? It's complete satire and it's hilarious.

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