I dont understaand ? Jesus christ was god son's who died for us to save us from our sins?

he died on the cross for us why and how does thta save us in what way i just don't get it

† John M †2010-07-07T23:08:24Z

Favorite Answer

The blood of Christ is too great to be defeated by our sins. Jesus paid a great price on the cross (1 Pet. 2:24). He shed His blood and gave His life and if you receive Jesus as your Lord and saviour by Faith then you are a Christian (follower of Christ). Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God" You need to just believe that you are saved and your are !

And your Salvation is sealed with Holy Spirit, and as you have been bought with a great price. You are not your own anymore and the Lord always longs to fellowship with you (1 Cor. 1:9). So it is true to say once saved is always saved, Jesus will never let you go astray anymore. And to say you are saved only for a certain period or condition, is to trivialize the power of Jesus Blood, and to mock His sacrifice on the cross.

You are given the baptism of the Holy Spirit, immediately when you believe in JESUS for His free gift of salvation (Acts 10 and Galatians explains this). Not at water baptism but again by faith. Jesus has promised all His followers as bible mentioned that He will ask Father God to send HS to those who received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Thus, by receiving and following Him, HS will indwell in you forever. With Holy Spirit in you, He will produce the FRUITS of spirit (=Kindness, Love, good deeds, benevolence works, etc).

John 14:26 But the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you.

John 16:7 But I tell you that I am going to do what is best for you. That is why I am going away. The Holy Spirit cannot come to help you until I leave. But after I am gone, I will send the Spirit to you.

When we choose God and receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, 3 things happen:
1) We are immediately put under unmerited favour from God. Jesus has overcome the world that as Christian of new covenant, our past, present and future sins are already forgotten.
2) Then Jesus as promised in the Bible would send the Holy Spirit to dwell in us as our good councilor and guidance in walking with us through this life, teaching us all things including a life away from sins, although we live in this world but we are not of this world, we are the citizen of heaven. The Holy Spirit will eventually heal us complete in body, soul, and spirit, to make us complete in having shalom, the peace and joy.
3) When we receive favor we do not deserve, we will feel true love from God and we only want to love God back through our Free Will of choice. When we love God back, we will want to embrace God's Holiness, we will not want to disappoint God.

Like a parent, God will correct us when we do wrong in many different ways, like first to convict us, and may escalate until we repent. God’s chastisement is for our good, because whenever we sin, Satan will have legal right to attack us (since God is Holy and just, He cannot say we are right when we are wrong in the first place); which means God’s full blessing can not reach us due to sins. It is only through re-dedication of our repentance and acceptance of Jesus (the power of the cross) that God sees the righteousness of Jesus (Jesus paid for our redemption in full) instead of our sins, that God can remove Satan’s right to attack us (note that God has forgiven us even before we seek repentance). Jesus took our place. But still we need to seek it, confess it, and believe it in faith before we can receive it as ours.



Well when you get saved christ covers you in his blood that was shed on the cross for your wrong doing (sin). no one gets to the father but through him. He died because he loves you and he wants all of us to choose god. What part dont you understand. Your parents love you so they work really hard to give you everything you need and want sacrificing some things at times. If someone died for you to save you, you would feel greatful and appreciate that person right. Well its the same thing hunny he wants you to know your creator and love him the same way he loves you. That is why when you choose to walk with him he will show you. You might not can physically see him but he will show you in spirit, no other being can contact you this way except for either good or bad spirits.

tree top2010-07-07T17:49:42Z

God told adam in the day you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you will surely die adam died spiritualy that day, we are all born into this world dead spiritualy seperated from the life of God, when we believe in the completed work of Jesus by faith at the cross, where he died to take away the sins of the whole world never to see them again, we are raised from our spiritual death to life, he who has the son has life, he who does not have the son of God does not have life. 1 john 5:12


Throughout the Bible we learn that LIFE is in the blood of creatures. And that blood belongs to God (we are instructed not to eat it).

In the days before Jesus, God's holy people (Israel) obtained temporary forgiveness through offering animal blood sacrifices to God. This could never permanently make them "right with God", but was a for shadowing of Christ's once and for all sacrifice. His blood shed for us provided a perfect sacrifice for sin. One which could forever wipe away the consequences of man's sinfulness. Jesus' is God reconciling man to God. Restoring that which was lost in Eden.

Believe in Him, and follow His teachings, and you will be saved. Restored back to relationship with God, your Creator!

Even though we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


The Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross to save us from Hell.

Sin has to be punished. Hell is a place where God has prepared for all those who will not repent and be forgiven from their sins.

Because we all sin and are sinners and cannot but sin, because we all have sinful natures,
God sent His Son the Lord Jesus Christ to die in the place of sinners,

in their room instead,
so that all who will embrace Him and say thank you to Him for dying for them,

they will be saved from this terrible place of torment.

Sins will lead to Hell, unforgiven sins will lead to Hell, but the Lord Jesus Christ died to save His people from their sins which will now lead them to Heaven. His people will turn to Him and be saved because they are His people, and He died to save His people. Praise the Lord,

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