Did we really just let a Russian spy out on bail?

Seriously? Because they're not likely to have other identities or skip town or anything...


Snarky, I'm talking about the one approved for bail by a Federal Magistrate in NY. Pelaez or something like that.


FYI: I thumb-upped you both, but in this section you can expect a lot of thumb trolls.


Favorite Answer

We're watching costs -- collect the forfeited bail, avoid costs of housing the spy in jail. What better solution could Attorney General Eric Holder suggest? Seems near perfect and fits in well with other Obama directives, like not arresting illegal immigrants.

Damage from the spy? Will happen later (like health care costs), after Obama is out of office, so not to worry.


WE didn't let anybody out on bail. The person was in Cyprus and the Cypriots let them out on bail.

EDIT: I don't know why I would get a thumbs down, that's the truth. The Americans didn't want the person to get bail but it's out of our hands.


Are you serious? LOL We are definitely a Banana Republic.