Have You Ever Asked 500 Questions On Yahoo Answers?

Cause I just did. This is My 500th. I have way too much time on my hands.

What's your favorite question you ever asked, and why?
What's the best question You ever saw, and why?
What's the best answer You ever gave, and why?
What's the best answer You ever got, and why?


I (L) totally pointless milestones


LAWL Jimmy

And I asked about 600 some on my old account, lol

killer peaches bored tyrant2010-07-08T00:11:25Z

Favorite Answer

712 on this account.... dunno if they count the ones I deleted or that got reported.......
(Had two level 5 and i level 6 acct suspended.... so.... I know each had over 300 questions... *cringes*)

but...yeah... ummmmmm..... *whistles tunelessly* But ummm... I got a life.... really....

ummmmmmm.......... Bonus Qs I got no clue.. but I haz a Klondike bar.. so that is cooler than bonus Qs anyhow...... =P


If this is the greatest question in the religion section, I expect you to change lives. Can you do it? It would be hard considering you only had 732 characters left but, even if you had 5482628 characters left, it would be hard. A lot of people here disagree just for the sake of disagreeing. You'd get as much bad comments as you would good comments. If this isn't the greatest question ever, I am wasting my time. But I am replying so obviously I have faith in you. If I found this lame I would tell you. I probably wouldn't even reply. I see that it is the greatest, don't worry. And besides, even the emperor thought he had the best clothes ever, do you not think you have the best question ever? If there is a small bit of doubt in your mind, you are not the emperor, so his clothes do not apply. I am terribly bored.


I had another account for a long time before suspension I easily had over 2,000 questions and 7,000 answers. This account has asked 853 questions.

BQ: I once got over 100 answers for asking what is your favorite thing to buy under 5$
BQ: Hard to say
BQ: Hard to say
BA: Once I got some pretty good advice on how to get rid of a computer virus very helpful.


Congrats Karl.

I haven't even asked 100. I'm. Not. Cool.

Fave question I've ever asked:
I guess it brought out the more sensitive side of R&P.

Best question I ever saw:
Anything on those Y!A Fail sites.

Best Answer I ever gave:
I think it was a rant? I don't remember.

Best Answer I ever got:
Considering I don't ask many questions, I don't think I've gotten a really good answer.


Congrats and No i havent i still have 76 questions to ask

1. All the silly questions that i have asked and because they were funny
2. None in a long time and because nobody does ask good questions anymore
3. Theres been alot and i aint sure why
4. GSP gave me for his Jerry Springer R & P question because it was funny

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