Name some FREE summer activities.?

for adults & for kids & for families

The Water Balloon man2010-07-09T14:08:50Z

Favorite Answer

You can have a water balloon fight with everyone.
A tool called ""Easy Fill & Tie"" for filling and tying water balloons.
It's easy, quick, finger friendly and approved by kids as you can see in youtube video

4 Silver Medal Awards to honor this invention by INPEX 2010 at Pittsburgh, PA. USA.

decret ingredient2010-07-09T18:25:24Z

Totally depends on your location. The the movie theater Oregon City OR shows free Disney classics on weekdays during the summer... But not every place does that.

You bury a time capsule. That's always fun to do with kids, because they will change so much over the years. Put in a few photos of them, if you have them. Or a family photo. Have everyone put in one of their favorite possessions. Have everyone write a letter, with a comment to each other person. Then when you uncover the time capsule together 10 years later, and read the letter, you will all laugh at the kinds of things a child wrote, now that you know them as an adult.


in my country in the summer we went to beach party an clubs dance. the biggest party is sunfest. for kids we just bring them to the normal beach out an a fun


The Zoo X3

rAiNbOwZRuLe <32010-07-09T18:19:00Z