if you could create your own sushi roll?

what would you make?

inside and outside?

i want to have a sushi chef make a roll for me like this- shrimp tempura, crab, salmon, tobiko, cucumber and mango rolled with sliced avocado and a sweet sauce drizzled on top


bbqd eel or shrimp tempura, topped with mango, crab, masago and citrus dressing


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Mine would consist of hamachi, cucumber, avocado, sriracha garlic chili paste, paper thin jalapeno slice and on the outside black sesame seeds finished with ponzu, spicy mayo and finally red and black masago.

Edit: I'd also love a tempura soft shelled crab temaki hand roll w/avocado, bean sprouts and avocado.


"shushi rolls" are an american invention, therefore you might as well put a burger in it