Which team would most NBA teams have the pleasure of defeating next season, L.A or Miami?

and Why?

John Cena's #1 Fan2010-07-10T15:55:38Z

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cheap answer but i say both

LA are the defending champs

and miami are the defending chumps

Aleandro M2010-07-10T16:00:39Z

Both. Lakers as they are the defending champs. Miami as they have 3 of the top 10 NBA players.

D-ROSE! SAY WHAT? Chicaaaaago2010-07-10T15:59:08Z

Miami!!! Because everyone wants to prove to LeBron that he made a bad choice of going down to be with the Jersey Shore cast.
Although I don't really like the Lakers that much, I do like Kobe, and I think they should 3-Peat next year, so that Phil Jackson's last year would be AWESOME.


Lakers ,Just to bad theirs a strong chance the 2011-2012 season could be canceled do to a strike!


Rondo Show2010-07-10T15:57:51Z

Probably both. Because everybody wants to beat Kobe but everybody would be excited about beating LeBron, Wade, and Bosh.

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