Do you think that spies which are caught should be executed?


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A little compassion here! Not death, but maybe life imprisonment with hard splitting rocks..


nah.. with the internet, everything they know, their country knows within a day.. it's not like in the 70's where you had to sneak the info back as well.. it's pointless to kill them and is nothing but bad worldly PR

*if* we captured spies from a country where we have no imprisoned spies.. then maybe, but we've got our own quietly stuck in prison all across the world and i'd rather get them home and save 2 lives(one of them ours), then kill both of them (if we executed their spy.. i'm sure we just signed our spy's death papers)


to what end? ya think they became spies because they're afraid to die? no no no if one is to stop spying by killing someone focus on the person behind the desk not the spies themselves, they're the ones who'll fear death therefore make the best example. killing someone who doesn't fear death does nothing, i promise you that if you ax the twits behind this that you'll find a lot less spying going on


Not necessarily, but Imprisoned some how for life.
Now if they were involved in the death or some physical act, then hell yeah, execution wouldn't seem that bad of an idea.


Isn't that taking it a little bit too far,besides the ring leader is probably long gone he could have easily hopped on a boat from cyprus and fled to the middle east.

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