I'm going to Iceland on 22 July and was wondering about currency...?

We were going to get Icelandic kroner here in the UK, but I've seen a couple of sources that suggest the exchange rate will be more favourable if we take £s with us and exchange it when we arrive in Reykjavik.

Does anybody know if that's the case or have any advice?


@Amy - Thanks, I've already checked out the exchange rate, I just needed to know whether the exchange rate would be better in the UK or if I should wait until I get to Reykjavik. I travel abroad quite often and sometimes the rate is better at my destination than it is at home.


Favorite Answer

K 100 pounds is about 13,900 Iceland Krona. As for where to exchange it??? I'm not much help there! I've never been out of the USA but you just answered one of my questions about my book and I just wanted to say thank you! I write much better then the average 16 year old in my novels so if age doesn't matter in this then I may have a good shot! One of the reason why I have my website is because an independent publisher suggested that I did it if I wanted to try to be traditionally published, he said it may give the company an idea of who would buy it. Thanks again for your comment, and I hope my answer was of some assistance! :)


I did'nt mean to offend you on anything