B&A? What's the most amount of times you've read a book?
Any book. How many times have you read it?
Any book. How many times have you read it?
MissFit - I come and go
Favorite Answer
*Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. 9 times and counting.
*Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. I lost count already, but it must be over a dozen times by now.
*The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint Exupery. Same as above. Started as a child.
I recently got obsessed over Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (6 times) and Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict (4), too.
I'm a serial re-reader, you know. If I really like a book, I will read it over and over and over. And over. Same with favorite movies.
there are a great type of books obtainable to study, that I not often reread even books i admire. For one factor, if I already understand what's going to ensue, it gets boring for me. I easily have some favorites that I reread many times back each few years. i've got been doing this with A Wrinkle in Time ever since I first study it as a toddler. probably i've got study it greater desirable than a dozen circumstances. My sought after e book, The Bloody sunlight - probably i've got study that as plenty or greater. If i've got forgotten what a e book is approximately yet undergo in strategies that I enjoyed it, then I each so often reread it.
Person of Little Interest
I usually don't reread books. Once through is enough for me, though sometimes I just like to go back and "visit" books I've already read. I'll just randomly pick it up and start reading from any part, then put it back down and not look at it again for a few months...
But, anyway, the most times I ever read a book has to be up in, like, the fifties. Maybe hundreds. When I was little, I was obsessed with those Madeline books by Ludwig Bemelmans. There was also this Toy Story book that had a tape along with it and I used to read it. A lot. xD
i've read the Harry Potter series twice now, but Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I've read 4 times. Also Breaking Dawn i have read 5 or 6 times, which i'm starting again, and after that i will most likely read Harry Potter again! A lot fo people ask me why i read them so many times, and i'd have to say its because i love them so much! The characters, the plots, the excitment, the writing style, and many more contibuting factors! :)
I used to keep track of how many times I read the Harry Potter books (but keep in mind, this was back when only the first three or four were out). I think I read the first one about 20 times. Maybe more. o.O