really want to help my friend get a car for her family?

I live in Alaska but my best friend who lives in California is in desperate need of a vehicle to fit her family of 6. I really want to help her and woud buy her the van myself if I had the finances for it. What can I do, or who can I ask to get her the help she needs? this is a struggling, hard working family that wouldn't dream of asking anyone for help but they really need it and I feel hopeless way over here on seemingly the other end of the world.
no rude comments please I just need ideas to try and get this family a car


Favorite Answer

Well...why areyou taking on their situation? Is it because you just want to help? If so unless you have the money to's just a case of giving advice.

I mean there are no charitable instiutions who provide vehicles to matter how deserving.

You could suggest ways for them to cut back and make extra such as selling on Ebay or Etsy.


There's not a whole lot you can do, thousands of miles away. Tell them to do the research on the internet. They need to learn how to take responsibility for themselves. If they can manage 6 kids, they shouldn't have a problem finding a car without you.


Guess either you or them will have to win the lottery otherwise with no money then no car