Competition between women is it real?

Competition between women do the ladies have it? How is it does competition function between two women? I have been observing women and found that they have a more prolonged type of competition? I meaning they go at each others for years! Where as the male he has periods of competition and relaxation, like there is order to it.

I really would like help in understanding the female competitive model any ideas?


Favorite Answer

Human females don't appear to have any sort of direct system of competition against each other for access to a mate, but rather devise individual mating strategies that focus on manipulating the male's perception of her rather than attempting to ward of other females by being physically aggressive, as opposed to the testosterone-driven, physically aggressive and more obvious sexual competition among males.

The consistent feature of female sexual competition is that it appears to involve only strategies that focus on attracting males rather than warding off other females, although women do seem to have a keen sense of homoerotic physical (not sexual) attraction for one another, which may assist them in determining how much effort must be given to a particular mating strategy, such as enhancing her physical appearance or using emotional appeals or manipulation to enhance the male's perception of her neediness as the physically weaker, child-bearing member of the opposite sex.

In some cases, women will simply give up trying to attract a mate rather than go on competing.


I cannot speak for all women but I am not competitive. We do not usually kill each other or start a war just to prove we are the big boss or like "I am the decider" Even if the world goes to hell in a hand basket they have to be king of the hill. women in some countries have to share their husband with other women and get beaten to death if any show of Competition or rivalry rears it's ugly head.

could a man do that? share his wife with other men? When would be the period of relaxation?
Men expect women to do things they could not ever do, and do it with grace and style. One man on commenting on his wife's ability to accept his mistress. Said she does it with style and grace.
what about having babies? Could a man do that year after year and stay up all night with a screaming kid and diapers, use to do that until they finally died. Then the older girls raised the younger ones while having their own babies. They don't have time for competition.
they are to busy doing all the work while the men look important.


yeah ive seen one woman i worked with tried to imitate me but it didnt work for her cuz she is not a pisces..