Is it normal for a beardie to not poop while he is shedding?

I plan on giving him a soak tomorrow since it's been almost two weeks since he last went. I was just wondering if it's normal for beardies to not poo while shedding their body skin. His appetite and energy levels are fine and he does not have any substrate or food that could make him impacted.


Favorite Answer

Two weeks isn't normal, shedding or not. Are you sure there is no impaction risk? What exactly do you feed him? Mealworms are known to cause impaction, yet are highly recommended by pet stores. Crickets that are bigger than the space between his eyes could cause impaction. And any sand or particle substrate, especially calcium sand, could cause it. Temps that are too low can also cause it.

What are your temps and how do you measure them? The only accurate way is with a temp gun or a digital thermometer with a probe directly on the basking spot. This temp should be 100-110 (37.7-43.3C) provided with a bright white basking bulb, which can be just a normal household bulb (not the coil energy savers but the incandescents) and the cool side should be around 80 (25.5-27.7C). Temps are essential to digestion, so if your temps are not hot enough, he could be at risk of impaction and other digestive issues.

Just in case: I would avoid feeding him live bugs until he starts to go again. Give him 1 or 2 warm baths daily. Feel his tummy and if you feel any hard spots, gently massage downward toward his vent. You can give him unsweetened applesauce, unsweetened canned pumpkin, or babyfood mixed with a couple drops of olive oil with a syringe to help things "move along". Feed him from the side of his mouth, not the front or he could aspirate.

Please continue your research at to learn everything you need to know about taking care of your dragon!

Best of luck!


most reptiles (including beardies) are notoriously infamous for slowing down the eating process, (some not eating at all) and not going to the bathroom. he is perfectly normal.


its normal, to a point. if any of my beardies went 2 weeks without poopin, id be a lil worried. i would deff. soak him tomorrow and rub his belly. hopefully he goes. its not healthy for a bd to go that long without poopin.


Yep, he's perfectly normal.


Maybe you should feed it Ex-Lax.