To the Future or Inquisitive Boxers/Fighter out there, I think I'm going to retire?

I loved this site at first, b/c it gave me a chance to give advice to people who genuinely were seeking advice, whether it was what they wanted the answer to be or not. Being a Boxing Trainer, I love this breed of boxers b/c they can take honest critisism, and/or they truly were seeking advice, and were appreciative of it. They don't let their own pride or presumptions decide what answer they want to hear b/c that's just it; they are looking for even one other person to agree with them so they can feel proud of themselves.
So, to Boxing's Future, I wish I could continue to give over 15 yrs of boxing experience to you. There are simply too many people lately that aren't asking questions about this great discipline. They are simply giving their opinions, well actually bashing something or someone and hoping someone will b*t*h about something they know nothing about with them.
So, I'm sorry to those of you who left nice comments to my answers and were actually appreciative.


Favorite Answer

I don't recognize you, but I haven't been here that long and I'm sorry that you are leaving due to the lack of respect and real questions that this website seems to have. It's very sad to look through these pages and see literally no real questions, just immature people posting things like "Flomo Jr is a coward" and "Why is Floyd Mayweather gay"? It's so pathetic Boxing fans aren't what they used to be, that's for sure. The real ones like you and me will always keep it real though, and be able to talk about boxing and debate the great sport without the immature nonsense that a lot of these people bring with them.

Kemjiu ®2010-07-21T07:09:15Z

It's quite sad that some resourceful adviser will going to let himself out here, suppose to be, you must be a leader who won't give up besides of the odds for all of us here, experience is the must in this section especially for some who seek good knowledge on such field.

Maybe your thought will change and will remain at ease on this section, although lots are just trolling and ranting here but so many yet need an immediate attention, the reason why this section still remains active.

Good luck



why retire? yes people are dumb but that isnt a reason to retire. There needs to be "gurus" and experienced people out there to help us fledglings along.