Any natural remedies?

like how to treat a bee-sting or how to clean drains or how to do a zillion other things like Grandma used to...

jean ann j2010-07-22T15:04:20Z

Favorite Answer

Bee stings- meat tenderiser, paste from baking soda and water.
Stomach bloating and acid- buttermilk.
Ulcers- cabbage juice.
Worms- black drought.
Sunburn- tea bags
Itching- baking soda in bath water.
Dry scalp- mayonnaise
Colds- Lemon juice, whisky and honey.
Sore throat- Garrgel with warm salt water.
Laxative- Greens or beans or cabbage.

Clean sink- butter.
Clean fridge- soda and water.
Kill ant hill- Boiling water or vinegar or corn meal.
Clean windows- vinegar and water.

Hair rinse- Lemon juice for blonds. Vinegar for dark hair.
Hair- brush 200 strokes.

Make cake- Beat home made batter 200 strokes. Had to put that in.

Mop floors- Vinegar and water.


Can't help with a natural remedy for cleaning drains or a zillion others, but maybe with the bee stings. If it was a bee, it likely left the stinger in your skin. You should be able to see it and remove it as soon as possible. Use tweezers or your fingers. A wasp, hornet, or yellow jackey usually does not leave the stinger, but it still hurts. I grow the broad-leaf variety of aloe vera, and I use this on stings, even from scorpions. The pain disappears rapidly.
2 things you need to know: 1. Are you allergic to bee - wasp stings? If you are, I don't recommend a home remedy except as recommended by your doctor. 2. Are you allergic to aloe vera? Some people are.