Does anyone have a Pugador?

We recently adopted the sweetest ugly little dog at the pound. We love her to death and think she is 1/2 Labrador and 1/2 Pug. The Pug part we are certain of due to her black mask and horrendous underbite! I would love to see some pics of other Pugadors (or Lugs as we call her) so we can see if she compares. You can send them to my email @ Thanks so much!


Excuse me DeBunker - Malocclusion is the correct term for the dentition. I was using general terms that are easily understood.


Favorite Answer

Nope,nobody on the planet does...including you.
It's just another unknown BYBd mutt/ millions of others.

Color isn't even a clue,let alone proof of anything.

& dogs are under or overshot...not have "underbites".

wrong-DOGS are under-or overshot!!!
Obviously you are NOT a dog-person.


I am looking for a pugador breeder in Canada. I am willing to drive upto 12 hours to get a puppy :)
if anyone can please help me out. im in the process of exhausting google.



Here you go.,r:0,s:0