Red Sox Sign: NESN sign help?

We are going to the Red Sox game tonight, and we need to make a sign. The TV station is NESN, and we wan to make an acrostic with the name so each letter of NESN is followed by a word, for ex: Nick Eats Sardines Never...stupid example haha but it NEEDS to be Red Sox related, in a positive way. Any help or ideas would be great!


Favorite Answer

N ews for Yall
E pstein
S ucks
N utz


I honestly dont know but make it creative, something real good, not ending in Sox Nation. Not original. Make it funny.


BostoN wants
the rEd sox
to deStroy
the aNgels.


just go to like a art store and get a big poster board and color it and make the sign you want and put it hi