Modern Water Wars, what do you think about this:?

I'm torn here. Read this short article about flood-type shower heads and regulation.

I believe wanton waste of any resource is morally, ethically, and socially wrong. I struggle to pay the water bill for my large (vegetable) garden where I use high efficiency drip irrigation. I live in an area that "mines" limited groundwater and charges more per gallon, the more you use. There is no distinction between my garden and one of these shower heads.

On the other hand, I believe people that enjoy these devices pay for the luxury to use them and it is an unnecessary intrusion to deny them the right to benefit from their affluence however they see fit.

So, Yahoo answers, what words of wisdom have you?


Favorite Answer

people waste water all the time, eventually there will be an international catastrophe and a huge portion of the population will die, leaving fewer people to consume resources


There is only a fixed amount of water on the planet; unless a comet strikes us.
Since their tails are now largely believed to be made of ice crystals.
With just the natural rain cycle, the oceans are becoming more salinated.
Man's contribution has greatly increased the water pollution level globally;
everything from increased algae, acid rain, waste plastics, to oil leaks.
Climate change is causing the glaciers to retreat; our last fresh water.
So those with affluence do not have a greater right, but greater responsibility.


Collect and save rain water off the roof in barrels, irrigate your garden with that, I live in a tropical rain forest here in NW Florida where it rains everyday, And I collect rain water for my fish tank that the AC sucks dry every week. Keeps my guitars humidified though. And I kill mosquitoes by the thousands in there too, We all gotta do our part. That's all.