Suggest a right camera for a Film Photographer.?

Hi, I am a film photographer.
I am normally used to using a Yashica Fx-3. When it comes to being creative, digital is not my friend. I have taken photos with digital cameras such as Canon 500D and yet not really satisfied. Its probably me. So I was thinking of adding a digital camera along with my film cameras and honestly I am a bit puzzled.

Everyone seem to suggest the Nikon D40. This costs same as a Nikon d3000. People also suggested me the D5000. I would like to know how bad is D3000. I am not interested in HD videos. I am concerned with quality of the photos taken. And also the money. The D3000 fits my budget well. Just want to know how bad is it. Or am I better off with a D40. or a D3000 with a good lens.


Favorite Answer

First off, you've got some really incredible photography. If you're willing to give up SLR's (and a lot of money) for a Leica M9 that's what I would do. For SLR's I wouldn't recommend the D40 for entry level go with the Pentax KX

David L2010-07-28T18:36:23Z

The D40 is out of production and you'd have a hard time finding it new. The D3000 is a follow up to the D40, but the D60 was the first follow up to the D40. The D60 is also out of production, but you may be able to find it new some placles.

They are all about the same as far as "quality" goes.

You will have to practice a bit with any camera you use. The D3000 is not a bad camera. It just doesn't have some of the fancier features that more expensive cameras will have since it is the entry level offering from Nikon. You should look at the cheapest Canon as well, even the Pentax... go with the one that has controls that are easiest for YOU to use....and the one that you think fits your hand the best.

Canon and Nikon are the biggest two companies, so you will be able to find used lenses for those two cameras the easiest. That will save you some money as well.


The D3000 is a good camera. It has many features that you can use. I personally own a D5000 and I think it's great. I don't usually use my camera's features, instead I use it in A mode or P mode. I think it's much better. A D3000 is a good came for a good price. If it's in your budget, go for it. You won't regret it.


You will get much more value for you money by going with a D5000 or D90. They have two important features the others you mention don't have, a built in lens motor and CMOS sensor. The lens motor will allow a much wider range of lenses that will auto focus on the camera and the sensor out performs any of the others.


D40? Why? People I know, once they bought it they couldnt wait to replace it.
Very limited in what it can do.

Possibly the best entry level fully functional DSLR at the moment is the Pentax K-x.