At the risk of "offending" non-Catholics (and this question is truly not meant for you non-Catholics)?
Doesn't it seem real obvious that the q & a we get from non-Catholics, and more specifically I mean atheists and "fundies", reveal a "feel good" theology / philosophy that resembles the shallowness of that "feel good" psychology so prevalent in the 1970's? More specifically, I read their answers and questions and I feel like I'm interacting with young teenagers, or even pre-teens, who haven't gone past their adolescence and certainly lack the in-depth thinking processes, whether that be reflective thinking or intuitive thought, and certainly indicate the lack of much formal education, whether that be academic or religious. They seem stuck in either their adolescent protestations or their "terrible-twos" when they ask questions which are obviously nothing more than attacks on the Roman Catholic Church, and even then, they pick only the most publicized subjects and follow only the more "popular" lines of accusations that the press already spells out for them. Now I'm not saying I'm the best Roman Catholic there is, God forgive me, but, there seems a very clear line of distinction in the quality of questions asked and answered by Roman Catholics as opposed to the rest of those here on Answers R&S. Atheists say they don't believe there is a God, and "fundies" lack the real, unabridged Bible and the Catechism and Traditions. Again, I'm asking this only of Roman Catholics, and not attempting to insult atheists and fundies or other generally labeled protestants, but these observations have been growing in me for quite some time, so I decided to try to risk asking this potentially sensitive question simply to check them out with others of my Roman Catholic friends. God Bless you.