All in one not related to rulings yu-gi-oh questions?
1. Do you think removing crush card virus from ban list could make virus control deck rise??
2. Anime =\= Real Game....what card do you think in the anime (that has different effect to its counterpart in real game) is the best....(except The Egyptian God)
mine would be Card of sanctity (both players draw till they have 6 cards on hand, correct?)
3. if this card exist, will you put in your deck?
Normal spell card : reduce your LP to 0, special summon one monster that can be normal summoned from hand whose ATK is equal or lower than LP you have paid. when that monster is removed from field, you lose the game. this card activation and effect can not be negated by any other card.
last resort will be a good name, but it has already been, what's a good name for this card?
4. what are the best two different decks if you are to play a tag duel?
(obviously not macro monarch + zombies)
5. Some of my friends quit Yu-gi-oh. they said that there are too many new cards. what do you think?
10 pts for the most interesting answer...