is laughing self perpetuating?

I noticed that, if something is extremely funny and I actually (literally) laugh out loud, I end up spending 5 minutes or more unable to stop, almost involuntarily, unintentionally, and unconsciously.

Within a minute I pretty much forget what's the funny, and my body seems to continue the act of laughing, is it just intertia? or am I just laughing while I catch my lost breath? or is there some brain chemistry that makes laughing perpetuate even after I've forgotten what I'm laughing about?


Favorite Answer

That happens to me too, but rarely now,
I'd like to see what other people put as answers ._____.,

Have a noice day .


No not at all, you are just being a human. Like I laugh at stuff that happened yesterday but a week from now i will think its really stupid but even funnier....Perhaps it is the brain..but it just happens to all of us..or at least the best of us