How can I re-gain my balance for cheerleading?

I think I've lost any balance that I once had. Our cheer camp starts soon and I want to try and get my balance back. I don't know what happened to it. What can I do to better my balance? I know some people say standing with one leg on a chair will help, but I've tried that and it's totally different than being in the air on one leg. Is there anything else I can try?


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Coming from a cheerleader whose gone to nationals and got 3rd place in the country last year, Sometimes i would try yoga to get stretched out more and have better balance. You can also try a balance board, tai chi, Skateboarding, standing in place with your stunt leg in a liberty or whatever you want is obvious. Just look online for videos on how to if you're having trouble,etc. But good luck!

lisa c2010-08-02T00:57:10Z

I'm the same way. I don't have much balance when it comes to certain one-legged stunts.But I've seen these things they're rounded on the bottom and have like a flat circular standing place. You stand on them and they roll around if you don't stay balanced. Sadly, I do not know the name of them, but if you find something similar they could definably benefit. Also if you don't have balance on the ground yet, start yourself by leaning against a wall. Then work towards holding onto a chair, ledge, etc. Finally, work towards doing it on the ground without anything else. Best of luck!

kyla L2010-08-05T21:55:10Z

I'm a new flyer this year the first time I did a stunt I fell from a half :/ but I practiced by standing on a soup can at home sounds stupid but it works because the next practice we did one legged stunts and I got it first try. Hope this works for you