I sometimes randomly pass out; VIOLENTLY!?

It could happen while I'm driving, walking, sitting, standing! And it's so violent! I literally feel like I'm dying!!! I have a very fast metabolism, so maybe its either high or low blood pressure, or even high or low blood sugar. Plus I'm a smoker so that might have something to do with it I dunno... And advice?


First of all, don't drive or you could kill someone or yourself!!!
Get your butt to a doctor and get checked out. You have pointed out some probable causes yourself, all of which are serious and need to be taken care of now.


Go to the doctor cause you could be putting your self at risk and when you drive you are putting others at risk and you need to make sure that you arnt gong to do any long turm damage to yourself and you need to go so please go for yourself asap


Go to a doctor..