What is your spiritual belief?

I'm an agnostic panentheistic deist, and although I do enjoy how smart that label makes me sound, it also accurately sums up my beliefs about god and the universe. What's yours? I'll give you a word bank to choose from:


I believe it's in everyone's best interests if we can correctly label ourselves. Many people who jump on the "atheist" bandwagon are really one or more of the things above.


If you follow a religion within any of the above categories, feel free to elaborate. For instance, one could say "I'm a gnostic theist, specifically a muslim"

Think Different2010-08-05T00:51:50Z

Favorite Answer

Pantheist - I consider myself a Agnostic Pantheist. Meaning as a agnostic I am keeping an open mind. If one or the other could be proven scientifically that would make me more decisive. On the one hand I feel if god should exist than it could only be if everything is god. The constant and forever morphing of the universe and everything in it. On the other hand it may be that god is just a means of trying to define how all things came to be. What thus far is hard to do with our limited minds. I do not believe in a deity nor do I feel god (if it exists) controls, governs or reigns over everything. It just is everything. In my mind all things came from nothing but, nothing was always something. As a Pantheist yourself I should not have to explain further. Of course as yourself if I align myself as a pantheist that also makes me a Deist.


My non secular direction (no longer relatively a faith) is Luciferianism, type of a mixture among Mysticism, Thelema, and Luciferianism relatively. There are not any creeds, dogma, or approaches of believing. Luciferianism is an overly individualistic direction and there are only a few folks, so there is not any set ideals. It is effortlessly and enlightenment searching for direction. There are many much less folks than there look to be, due to the fact that such a lot who name themselves "Luciferianism" are honestly uneducated Theistic Satanists. My ideals do evolve, however no longer relatively difference. There are little matters right here and there. Growing and increasing is without doubt one of the important matters of my ideals despite the fact that. I nonetheless have emotional drain. Unlike many others, my direction isn't a drug that is helping me consider completely happy, cherished, and well at all times. Anger may be very major. Hate is specific than anger, however anger can acquire plenty. It can transfer mountains. No revolutions are alterations have occured with out anger concerned. I might no longer desire to do away with it. As for worry, it isn't tied to my ideals in any respect. Conscious touch from god might expect that god exists and is break free us and the universe. I think this to be fake. What we name god is effortlessly the best divine fact of the whole thing, and no longer a individual, loving, writer.

Christian .2010-08-04T00:39:02Z

Interesting question. I'll be curious as to how folk answer this one. For myself, I don't have "spiritual belief" or "religion". I know God, so I'm an actual, dyed-in-the-wool true Christian. And I'm beginning to like how stupid that label makes me sound. Beware the sleeper they say...





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