Separation of church and state: Which is it?

To protect the church from the rule of government or to protect the government from the rule of the church?


The statement of separation of church and state was stated so that the federal government could not put in place a national religion. Which means the government should have no say in the religious beliefs of the individuals.


Separate the Powers of both, Really the church means Christians are forbidden in Politics, and Secularists are Forbidden from Religion.

Public/Private Divide


Both. If a church eventually takes over the government, the government (now controlled by the church) will now begin to reign over and terrorize other churches. So if you can let one control the other you'll end up with a sticky mess.


In a nutshell it means that the US Government cannot establish an official religion.
This means that tax money will not be utilised in religous schools, one cannot be forced to pray in school, one is free to practice whatever religion they want whenever they please (or none at all).

It's to seperate the two, not for one to work more/less than the other.


The first one, which is the one the liberals don't recognize.

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