Muslims, what is the penalty for homosexuality in a predominately Muslim country?


Favorite Answer

If you are asking about Muslim countries, 99% of them
are following secular laws. And the nations who try to
implement Islamic laws are attacked like Algeria,
Afghanistan, Somalia and Sudan. So Islamic law
is as much applicable in Pakistan as Torah law is
applicable in Israel. They are both hypocrites.

Muhammad Javed Iqbal


it isn't that simple really. if you have the urges ut never act upon them then you are fine. but if you act upon them and get caught and have ppl witness against you then the law in islam is that you will be executed.if however you never get caught you should never tell anyone and repent for your sins and vow to never do them again. the only muslim country that would actually follow through on an execution is Saudi Arabia NOT every muslim country.

The Brain2010-08-05T19:16:06Z


sounds like fun to live in a muslim country dont it?

ol' dirty bingo caller2010-08-05T19:18:36Z

depends on the country... in Pakistan they have an openly gay tranny who hosts a popular political satire show

in iran.. well in iran they dont have homosexuals... lol!


They kill them. Either stoning or beheading I think.

You know what these backwards barbaric countries and their people are like. They like a bit of killing.

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