what planet is that or those in the west?

I'm in texas

so we've got 3 objects in the west nearish the horizon. they make up a triangle

two dim ones up top, (1) left and (2) right. then one (3) below the right one , and its very bright

my stellarium isn't working so I can't tell what they are

I assume
1 = star
2 = saturn
3 = mars

I also assume venus is too close to the horizon to see

can you help clarify all of this?


Favorite Answer

The brightest one is Venus, the yellowish one above it is Saturn, and the reddish one to the left is Mars. The link below is how they looked last night. They're still in the same relative positions but have moved a bit.


1. Mars
2. Saturn
3. Venus


Actually, Venus is the brightest of the 'stars' you're seeing to the west currently.

If Stellarium isn't working, try www.heavensabove.com
for a skymap based on your position, and time.


The really bright one is Venus. The dimmer ones are Mars and Saturn.


This pic was from Indonesia on july 31st. It shows Mercury, Regulus, Venus, Mars and Saturn in line with each other.


I would say that it is probably the last three that you are seeing.

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