has a dream of grey wolf?

I was in the woods it was snowing and there was about 2 it 3 wolfs one walls up to me. And grabs my arms like a dog does to pull you somewhere and I saw his teeth. What does this mean he never hurt me it tried .


Favorite Answer

It means you have a grey wolf fetish.


I really are not sure what your dream would mean or anything but it would be either one of these possibilities.
1. You just had a wild dream about the wolf after watching something before going to bed.
2. You might possibly be a therian, which is a person with an animal spirit.
3. It has another meaning that you will somehow figure out in the future.
I cant say I actually helped you out much but life has a lot of questions, some yet to be answered. I am a wolf therian and i have dreams about wolves sometimes which sometimes helps me later if i keep track of my dreams to see what could they mean. I mean sometimes dreams can build up into a message as u have more dreams supporting it. If the dream bothers you too much, try seeing if its just a wild dream by keeping a record of it. Twice I had a dream of my wolf spirit and I figured what it meant after I recorded all of my recent dreams. Sometimes this will really help cause it helped me after I started to have some weird dreams of a wolf like you did. My real (but fake English) name is Joseph- a dreamer, yet I have more to learn as I study my dreams.
WELL THAT IS ALL.... hope i helped. ;P


if you have had this dream more then once then something is trying to tell you something maybe trying to worn you. or it may just be a weird dream.


trying to get you out of the area.