1.Johnny Depp 2.Josh Holloway (Sawyer from Lost) 3. and tied for third are Antonio Band eras and Taylor Lautner - when his hair was long-(You can't deny he's hot even if the movies suck)
1) Tom Felton. Hands down. AH. <3 This is why I'm known to my friends as Mrs.Felton. :P http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/205/f/2/Draco_Malfoy__Tom_Felton___by_Snowfox1234.jpg 2) Ed Westwick (from Gossip Girl). He's got a killer British accent!http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_82isDqaVpWA/SwzQNswbSOI/AAAAAAAAAC0/AKvPGF4U9hw/s1600/ed_westwick_sexy-1.jpg 3) Ryan Phillippe (from Cruel Intentions). *drools* http://bunnieblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/ryan-phillippe.jpg Bonus: Johnny Pacar! http://www4.images.coolspotters.com/photos/101593/johnny-pacar-profile.jpg
Girls (as awkward as this is):
1) Emma Watson. I truly think she's pretty and has a great sense of style! Although, her haircut... http://cdn.buzznet.com/media/jjr/headlines/2010/05/emma-watson-costume-gala.jpg 2) Blake Lively. I just love her personality and character in Gossip Girl! http://0.tqn.com/d/prom/1/0/r/7/-/-/77176328.jpg 3) Rihanna. Again, I love her style and her singing! http://blog.soldoutticketmarket.com/wp-content/uploads/Rihanna-1.jpg
Men: 1. Johnny Depp, of course! http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/sites/people/img/21228_stars-411-johnny-depp-300x400-101206.jpg
2. Brandon Flowers of the Killers. http://www.arjanwrites.com/arjanwrites/images/2008/04/04/arjanwrites_brandonflowers2.jpg
3. James Mcavoy, because of Penelope, Narnia, and Becoming Jane! I love him! http://www.mannythemovieguy.com/images/james_hobbit.jpg
And because I'm a complete rebel, I'm going to name a fourth: Ewan McGregor http://celebrity-pics.movieeye.com/celebrity_pictures/Ewan_McGregor_503216.jpg Moulin Rouge<3
And now for women! 1. Anne Hathaway, she's beautiful! http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2007/08/05/janeausten_wideweb__470x387,0.jpg
2. Anna Popplewell http://www.narniafans.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/anna-popplewell2.jpg
3. Sarah Palin!! ...
Kidding, obviously...
Yeah, just forget I said that.
3. Regina Spektor!!! I love her! Love her, love her, love her! http://www.chrisabraham.com/regina-Spektor.jpg She's the bestest person ever in the whole wide world. I like to save the best for last.