What game is similar to Banjo Kazooie?

Is there any game that is similar to Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (Xbox360), where you can build vehicles like that and save it? Especially one for PC? Any help is greatly appreciated!


The workshop designing style for the vehicles is block-based (yes more or less like Lego) and you can add wheels and jets and stuff. You can save these vehicles and then load them up to test them in an arena. It's a sandbox style game.


Favorite Answer

i dont really know man

banjo kazooies creation system is pretty deep

mmm idk saints row and need for speeds are kinda like that :/


It seems you love the Platforming type of games that Rareware used to develop for the Nintendo 64. In that case I'd recommend some games like Jet Force Gemini which is much more action oriented than DK64 and BK but it's still an extremely good game, you could also try the sequel to Banjo-Kazooie, which is Banjo-Tooie. Other games would be Super Mario 64 and Conker's Bad Fur Day (which is a Mature game)