When are people who refuse to work going to realize that Welfare is just another form of slavery?

As long as the government keeps people dependant, they can control them.


I was asked why I feel its government control. Its the same as if I were to keep my kids dependant by paying their bills and bailing them out of financial trouble.

I know this seems off the wall, but I really beliefe this. Welfare is not good for anybody, except of course people who really can't take care of themselves.


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Money for votes. That's all it is. People don't care because it's not their money they're losing. I have just one question for them. What will you do when the only few jobs that are left can't afford to pay for you? There are no jobs and you have no money. What will you do then? You will be homeless or under the government's control, that's what.

Very few people leave welfare. Ever heard of perpetuated poverty? How about Stockholm Syndrome?

Holy Macaroni!2010-08-11T04:00:33Z

At first , I would say that is a moronic question. However, although I would never go as far as to say that Welfare is slavery, it can be said that the government does not make it easy for people to get off of the system. If a man or woman on Welfare has children and cannot afford or find childcare or cannot save money, they will always have to rely on the system. Not everyone has family to help them get out of situations like that. It is strange, but it is true. "Just find a job" is not always an option, though it seems to be the logical answer. Sometimes the best thing someone on Welfare could do is get an education on the government's dime (through financial aid-there are tons of colleges that allow you to do most of your classwork online) and eventually become a contributing citizen.


Slavery is working and not getting paid for it. Welfare is not working and getting paid for it.

Exactly the same thing, how can I have never seen that before?

Shut up woman! Get on my horse!!!2010-08-11T03:53:43Z

Interesting you chose to use the "slavery" comparison considering white women are the #1 recipient of welfare. Oh wait, I forgot that white women are still in bondage. The "golden handcuffs" it's called. Interesting thing about gold is that it is easily broken.

Game Over032010-08-11T03:52:59Z

with all due respect i have never seen such ridiculous comparison .... welfare = slavery ? that is ridiculous , why don't you take a book , search around the internet and find out what slaves used to endure . then think again .

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