how can i decorate my basement like a restaurant?

i've already got table set, a taco bar, sanitation score, welcome sign (w/ special of the day... tacos :D) a sign saying "please wait to be seated"... and a waiter. it's for a dinner party but cheaper than going to a real restaurant, plus i get to cook. any other clever ideas?
(btw: cheesy is good. the cheesier the better.)


Favorite Answer

Those plastic blowup palm trees? Pinatas? Your ideas are good :)


Try to have a painting of on the wall like a funky one with people dancing, if it revolves around tacos stay away from anything Taco Bell since that restaurant disrespects the tradition of the food. Stone is a great look for Taco restaurants. You can make a wall or some thing that resembles the Aztecs. Set a relaxing mood to the place, make it seem a bit darker then it should be. Brown matching with blacks if you know what I mean. Make everything almost all wood and stone..


Hang a sign that says "Good news! We fought the bugs!

P.S.: the bugs won..."

Iman Sultan2010-08-12T00:06:29Z

maybe you could get pictures of people eating at your restraunt and put it up on the walls??