What will be your reaction if you found out that your wife is not a virgin anymore on your first night?


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Why are people hung up on a woman's virginity and not a man's? What happened before you met and got married is in the past and unless it will directly affect you now is not important. I would have little reaction as I would have probably already have known that if I was getting married.

As for the answer by one person who claims that few are virgins when they get married, you listen to statistics that are not that accurate. many are still virgins.

Bottom line is that you are marrying the person, not the state of their virginity.


I'd be wondering why I'd be getting married to a woman, more than I'd care that she wasn't a virgin. Most people aren't virgins before marriage.


That is her business.Maybe you are wrong about her being a virgin.Did she say she was a virgin.who cares anyways.if that was a issue for you,you are just as wrong for not saying something before marriage as she was for not spilling her guts about what might even be a one time thing.get over it or get a divorce.


did she say she was a virgin or did you just assume ?!?!

if she never lied and claimed to be a virgin then i must say it's none of your business, she obviously had a life before you.

but if she lied about it then that's a different story,


I'd know she knows what to do in the bedroom and go for it big time opening night.

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