slightly embarrassing postpartum question?

hi ladies i am 13 weeks postpartum and exclusively breastfeeding.
from the moment we conceived our daughter my interest in sex has been a total zero. right through the pregnancy and for most of the time since she has been born i have had no interest what so ever.
now though the last two weeks i find that i am often feeling those "tingles" and urges! its really weird and quite frequent. i have also had two lots of yellowish ewcm that was very abundant but 5 days apart. i took some opks to see if my fertility is returning but they are beyond negative... we have had unprotected sex 3 times in the last week or so, i had planned to go on the bcp but haven't yet..
what are your thoughts? any of you experience any of this?


the point im really try to ask about is WHY i am suddenly finding that my body is interested in sex again if i am not ovulating? i only ever really got into the idea of sex at the ovulation time of my cycle... all opks been negative unless i missed the surge!


its now changed to extremely abundant creamy white stretchy cm. i'm still feeling the urges but i feel exhausted today (thanks saskia!) and very low (thanks friday the 13th) - dont know what to think if i have o'd then i might have to test soon, and if not then i guess its just my body trying to get back on track after the baby. thanks ladies. anyone else care to share any thoughts or ideas?


Favorite Answer

That's interesting it came back negative. The first thing that came to my mind was OVULATION. It still may have been and came back negative. That happens. Be VERY careful. You could get preggers again! ;) Love ya!

(I did have that by the way. As you know you get very perky with the whole sex thing when you ovulate.)

Lucky Lady2010-08-13T00:51:32Z

You may have missed the surge, as you said, or it is possible that your body is trying to gear itself up to ovulate but failing ovulation. This as you know happens during anovulatory cycles as well. It may also be that you are just missing sex for whatever reason, it isn't uncommon that you'd be a tad horny if you've went this long with out sex. It happens to the best of us, even when we are not fertile and not ovulating :) If you are seeing ewcm and having sexual urges, you may be fertile or gearing up to be! xx


You just have to be careful, if you are exclusively breastfeeding, it is highly unlikely you will become pregnant, but you could. Use a diaphragm so there are no harmful chemicals going into your breast milk. I didn't have my period aka, become fertifle until I completely stopping breastfeeding, which was when my daughter was 1 year old.


Nursing might reduce your fertility, but is certainly NO guarantee. Use contraceptives or expect to get pregnant.