Muslims, deep down in your hearts can you really condone Sharia Law?

Or do you fear being honest about it, even on here?


Among other things, Sharia Law requires the stoning of women for adultery...


Favorite Answer

Sectarian oppression derived from the fictions of Abbasid clergymen.

No. It should be opposed on every front.

EDIT: It also requires stoning of homosexuals, regular drinkers and apostates and not a word of it appears in the Quraan.

@ DManga...Stoning is killing with rocks. The Quraan says if they turn and amend, leave them alone. What turning and amending is there after being killed with rocks? The Quraan says no compulsion in way of life (2:256)...Shar'iah says tax all non-Muslims for being non-Muslims. Shari'ah allows marriage to children, the Quraan assumes the age of marriage to be the age of sound judgment, managing one's own property (4:6) and making a solemn contract - marriage (4:21). A lady can't be married against her will.(4:19). Refer back to 4:6 as to whether a child can consent.
Shari'ah is oppression, the one thing the Quraan permits war against. Muhammad followed the Quraan. His Sunnah is not in the hadiths.

Fred Bauder2010-08-12T15:30:44Z

Sharia mean the true path. To be applied in a modern society it would have to be regularly reformed by democratic processes.


Or, like Hannah, do you not even know this much about your own religion ? I can't wait to hear one say that 'sharia law has nothing to do with Islam'. Muslims have no honor, no shame, no respect for the truth.

Ricky sanowara2010-08-12T15:34:04Z

Oh yes, im not a holy man
I fornicate, i drink - get drunk, watch porn..

But to think it over again, i want to be a good man

The law, the sharia law.. Well i live in a region where they hold the sharia law dearly (luckily Indonesia is not a moslem nation - yet) and we do not use that law fully (yet)

To tell you the truth, everyone else wanna be bad sometimes ( i hate sharia law, but its from the God isnt it?)
Like any other religion (with idols of a man fastened to a pole) that forbid fornication, but want it anyway

Oh lets cut it short;
If someone else bone your wife/daughter you'll wanna stone him to death yourself, dont you?
But would you like to bone your sexy neighbours wife?

Pardon the bad english :P


that depends on ur interpretation of sharia law, im assuming you dont even have a copy of the koran right?
Heres the logic, in what ur asking them, should you obey gods law that has been sanctioned for thousands of years or mans law made up of different ideals, that have created society as we know it today in the western world, that being, if you live in the US, they have the highest crime rate in the world by at least 10x, they have one of the highest suicide rates, they have the highest murder rates. If your sick and need hospital treatment, they leave you to die if you dont have insurance, becos health has become a business not a right to live. They millions of homeless. They treat you different if your skin color is not white or your eyes arent straight. The list is endless.

Without even knowing a single line in the koran and being a christian, even I can see your question is somewhat stoopid.

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