My rabbit has very overgrown teeth... what do I do?

Ok, so I noticed today that my bunny has very overgrown teeth. She can still eat her normal rabbit food, but she has trouble drinking her water, and she almost can't eat leaves or anything like that. Do I cut her teeth? I don't know what to do. Please help!

Animal Girl 8D2010-08-12T11:27:21Z

Favorite Answer

YOU DON'T CUT HER TEETH THE VET DOES! Rabbits need things like hay, straw, toys and so on to chew on to keep their teeth sanded down. Rabbit's can die from improper teeth like that from starvation and so on^-^ GO TO THE VET!


Overgrown Rabbit Teeth


get some wood from the store i have rats and that is how u make sure they wont get overgrown teeth dont get it randomley from outside might have something on it that could kill ur rabbit. But take her to the vet if she can not eat because then she wont be able to chew on wood first do that then get wood!


I owned a rabbit with this problem - it's called malocclusion. You can clip the teeth down yourself but you will probably need another person to help restrain the rabbit. This doesn't hurt the rabbit; their teeth aren't the same as ours and continue to grow their whole lives.


You need to take her to the vet, most likely they with shave some off, poor bunny :( She cant drink water.

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