What percent believe America was found on Christian morals and not?

I'm doing a research paper and can't seem to find this answer anywhere. I thought it would be nice to start the paper off with this fact but I just can't seem to find it .I need the information to come from a web page or a book. If so, please leave me the link, or title.
Thank you (:


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There's not a single, uniquely Xtian moral upon which America was founded.

So the answer is 0%


Well, the bible condones both slavery and the oppression of women. It also says that parents are allowed to murder and beat their own children.
The country was founded on principles of slavery and the unequal status of women as being non-land owners and non-voters. But I'm pretty sure killing your own kids has always been illegal.


christian morals ??
Like during the Inqusition ?