Teens? Do any of you look forward to school?

I don't. Does anyone?


@ Kacie: One word: Nerd :)))

usual duvet2010-08-12T19:21:35Z

Favorite Answer

Yeah but only to the first month of school. Then it gets boring. :c


Not at all!

I've decided I'm going to the public school, but I'm nervous out of my mind. I have no idea what to expect out of that school. If I just knew what to expect so I'm prepared, I'd be fine, but I have no idea what it's going to be like. I know no one at this school and it's completely unfamiliar to me; I haven't been in the building in years, meaning I'll be lost every time the bell rings. And it's a huge school with some 2,000 students. I'm scared out of my wits. I feel like Harry Potter going to the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament! But at least *he* knew he'd be facing dragons! I have no idea.

I hope I like it.

As far as I can tell, going to this school will either end up being the best decision I ever made, or the worst. It's 50/50, and I don't like those odds at all.

I really hope I like it.


I love school supply shopping. Filling my backpack with organized and color-coded folders and notebooks. Sharpening all my pencils. It's great.

But this year, I waited way too long to start my homework, so I'm really behind.
Plus I'm starting a new school as a transfer student, and I'm really nervous.

All in all, not so much.

But generally, by the end of summer I'm just like, "This is so freaking boring get me out of here I need stimulation and homework because I'm not doing anything!"

Yeah I'm cool.


it's 50/50 at the moment, but in a couple weeks i'd say the answer will be closer to "hell no". right now the thought of seeing my friends everyday and having new classes with new people seems exciting enough to make me look forward to it, but i know once the first week is over i'm going to be counting down the days until summer.


Yes, this summer was fun, but for the most part I was VERY bored, and often had a hard time finding stuff to do. I go to the library WAY too much.

I want to enjoy the rest of my holiday though.

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