Info on Student Petition for Max Time Frame?
In the realm of college education, please explain how or what is expected on a Student Petition for Max Time Frame. It relates to attempted hours one has in college, of course, However, what is needed in writing, to ensure college officials that one is not a "professional student" and only enrolled for financial gain due to laziness or other asinine reasons. Petitions are to be submitted to the Financial Offfice in order to complete financial aid file. Thanks for your professional response.
To "unknown" , I do not need to explain something that did not occur. Please let us not be so assumptive with our responses. There was no "tent" or "camping out" as you suggest with your comments. I merely requested information relevant to the petition. This does not mean that one should be rude or make unnecessary assumptions as you seem to be doing. Have a blessed day and in all your endeavors, be well.