Opinions on quotes for a tattoo?


I've got it narrowed to these two, both for completely different reasons which is why it's so hard to choose. Any advice and opinions will be helpful:

1) "How high can you fly with broken wings?" - A quote from the song 'Amazing' by Aerosmith. I love this song and have loved the band since I was very young. It was the first band I liked because my Dad would always listen to it when I was younger (and he still does, thus making it a connection with me and him). So the tattoo would both be for the fact that I love the band and for the connection with my dad. Also, I like the quote and what it says.

2) "This above all: To thine own self be true." - A quote from William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" which is a well known play and a well known quote at that. I love what the quote is saying and reading and writing are pretty much the most important things in my life. I'm in university to get my degree in Professional Writing and I just think Shakespeare has contributed SO much to everything that I love and am basing a career around. But on the other hand, I think the quote is almost too well known and that a lot of people tattoo it just for the sake of tattooing something, and I don't want some meaningless cliche tattoo.

So that's my reasoning and ideas, please give some advice, I'm completely stuck on the two and may end up getting both at some point, but really need to pick one for now.



Thanks for the imput guys!

Ben - maybe then when you see a title saying "opinions on QUOTES for TATTOOS" you should just bypass it? And who said I was getting it on my ribs?


Favorite Answer

You sound like you are really in love with both, so I don't think that it would be a bad idea to get both eventually in the future. But if you're asking for my opinion, I really like the Shakespeare quote. Hamlet is my favorite play by Shakespeare, and the quote is of course, beautiful. Good luck with making a decision and at school! :)


I personally like the shakespeare quote but i don't like the "This above all" part. Just the "to thine own self be true" the meaning is beautiful and if you ever find yourself in a rut im sure if you read it, it can bring you back to who you are.
The How high can you fly with broken wings seems slightly depressing to me in a sense I know its sentimental considering your father but i think you could get a prettier quote than that one.

Just my opinion good luck!


If you like it & it suits you well than why not! I have 5 tattoos & love each one! It's a great feeling when you get something & it means something to you. :] My next tattoo is going to say Fear is temporary but Regret is forever! I like that tattoo b/c it serves my life style very well. I live in the moment & love it. Good Luck on your tattoo..


I like the first one better, but if you love them both get them both!


As a hardcore Aerosmith fan I encourage you to get that :D, just make sure it something/someplace you won't regret

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