When should a blood clot fall out after a dry socket?

I had tooth extracted about 3 weeks ago and I ended up with a dry socket. I had it packed only once about 2 1/2 weeks ago. The blood clot that formed is now feeling like it is going to fall out. Is this normal? I am freaking out because I don't want a another dry socket -I would rather have my hand slammed in a car door every hour than get another one!


Favorite Answer

It's interesting that a new blood clot formed at all. Was your gums sround your dry socket still bleeding after the original clot dislodged? At any rate, it takes about 4-6 weeks for the gums to heal completely over a dry socket site. And if any of the bone was damaged, it will take about 6 months for that to heal. Unless you are doing the things that cause a clot to become loose and fall out, such as smoking, drinking from a straw, coughing, sneezing, spitting, etc, 3 to 4 weeks is a good, normal time for it to be falling out. Hope this helped!