what salad dressing can you use if you are allergic to both vinegar, and mayonaise?

My mom is allergic to both vinegar, and mayo; however, she loves salads. Is there a salad dressing that she can use that will not have her reaching for the pepcid/prevacid bottle? She is getting older, and loves to eat the ingridients in a salad, but hates being allergic to the main staples to make the dressing. Any suggestions will be gladly welcomed, as I want to help her. Thank you so much y'all.


Favorite Answer

It's easy to make a 'vinaigrette' out of fresh lemon juice, olive oil, dijon, fresh basil and crushed garlic. It's a wonderful dressing and also goes well in a green bean salad.

M M T2010-08-15T08:46:19Z

You could make any number of salad dressings using lemon, lime or orange juice as the acid. Mix with olive oil and spices. Sour cream and or yogurt can be used in place of mayo also in salads. And don't forget buttermilk for a creamy dressing like ranch either.


A simple mediterranean style salad dressing. Mix two parts extra virgin olive oil with one part fresh lemon juice, add a pinch of sea salt and a crushed garlic clove and a half a teaspoon of dried oregano if you have it. The dressing is fine without the oregano if you don't have any.


I second the lemon juice and olive oil. However I also eat a lot of my vegie salads without dressing - if you use a stronger tasting cheese like blue cheese or Feta or goat cheese it usually adds enough taste that you don't need anything else.

If she craves that liquidy texture - 2 c. sour cream mixed with blue cheese, salt and pepper to taste or sour cream mixed with chopped cucumbers, salt and pepper might do the trick.


try something healthy like lemon juice or any citrus juice but make sure it is fresh from the fruit orange juice is pretty gross in a salad from a carton.

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