The new "axis of evil"?

Used to be countries that wanted to kill every American. Now it is "white, Christian and a citizen". Do you think it's cute the govt. hates the people who built this country?


Wow are you people STUPID. Read the question in it's entirity or don't answer it! If you can't even read two sentences then go take a bath with a toaster. Opinionated AND ignorant....typical.

fmko ( 無神論者は神を知っていない。)2010-08-15T09:38:23Z

Favorite Answer

it is amazing how in America if you are white, christian, and a citizen you don't matter as much as everyone else...look at citizens who commit a crime are tried if caught and are hunted...but if you came here illegally they don't want to try to catch you unless you are a "real" criminal...even then they just let you go...


e?vil ? ? –adjective a million. morally incorrect or undesirable; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil existence. 2. risky; injurious: evil regulations. 3. characterised or observed via misfortune or suffering; unlucky; disastrous: to be fallen on evil days. 4. as a results of particularly or imputed undesirable habit or character: an evil recognition. 5. marked via anger, irritability, irascibility, and so on.: he's conventional for his evil disposition. –noun 6. that it particularly is evil; evil high quality, purpose, or habit: to choose for the lesser of two evils. 7. the rigidity in nature that governs and provides upward thrust to wickedness and sin. 8. the wicked or immoral area of somebody or some thing: The evil in his nature has destroyed the sturdy. 9. injury; mischief; misfortune: to need one evil. 10. something inflicting harm or injury: Tobacco is considered via some to be an evil. 11. a risky element, effect, or effect: the evils of alcohol. 12. a sickness, as king's evil. –adverb 13. in an evil way; badly; ill: It went evil with him. —Idiom 14. the evil one, the devil; devil. beginning: bef. 900; ME evel, evil, OE yfel; c. Goth ubils, OHG ubil, G übel, OFris, MD evel appropriate types: e?vil?ly, adverb e?vil?ness, noun Synonyms: a million. sinful, iniquitous, wicked, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. See undesirable a million . 2. pernicious, destructive. 6. wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 9. catastrophe, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow. Antonyms: a million. righteous. The "axis of evil" is the middle from which evil emanates


"Axis of Evil" was a slogan not a statement based on facts. Republicans seem to specialize in sloganeering but that doesn't make those slogans/truisms true. Chris I found that Reagan had no credibility because he made the statement about government when he was the head of the government. Doesn't that strike you as odd?


The new axis of evil is located center in the Obama Administration. They have no clue or respect for the country. They are incompetent misguided and rule from ideology.


The new axis of evil according to our White House -- our beautiful troops.

Hmm, and conservatives think we're going to "take our country back."

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