God and justification...?

I don't believe there is a God, of any sort really and I believe that far too many believe in God without question, but that's not really what I want to address, I just thought I'd let you know those things.

Anyway, say there is a God, and say he is omniscient and omnipresent, that would mean that God is there for and has complete knowledge of the worst things Man has done. Those deeds are pretty horrifying and God just lets this stuff happen? WTF? I know, God has a plan for everything, right? Well I'll take no part in any plan that involves child murder and the likes, be it of God or not. Nor will I ever give praise and worship to any being who lets any such things happen in his prescence. I mean seriously, what an ******. Yet, people follow religions that teach that their God is some all-powerful being and people buy this garbage, they believe that their eternal soul is in jeopardy and that this sky-man is the key to eternal salvation. Where's the evidence? WTF? Am I missing something?

Who wants to follow a guy who refuses to do anything about mankind's worst deeds? I know I don't, screw any freakin' plan that involves the worst parts of life.

So how do you justify it, the worst things man has ever done and your God is no where, how does that make you feel?


I get it, really, I get it, I'm a sinner and I'm evil, and that is a great question you ask of me, "You don't believe so why the hell should you care?" Curiosity I guess. Oh, and your right, evil=God, so who do you worship, Satan maybe? (Ha ha, joke, bad humor, I'm a sinner). So I challenge your God to be a better man, but you know I don't believe, maybe I'm challenging you to think about your beliefs, view them from the outside...I don't know, my name suggests I am possibly crazy.


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you say : Where's the evidence? WTF? Am I missing something?

i say yes, you probably are missing something.

could it be that a billion people are all delusional and crazy? or maybe there is more to all of this.


Although you don't believe in God, you still understand that there is right and wrong, as you stated you would not murder a child. By saying God would not let these things happen, you agree that God should be a judge. Well there is a judgment coming, when all the wrongs that have been committed will be made right, but it will happen at the time that God has appointed. Until then, this world is ruled by Satan, to prove the difference between good and evil. Jesus said that
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
Therefore, the evil you see in the world is the result of Satan the thief, and in due time Jesus will come to destroy him.

Physics beginner2010-08-17T02:34:56Z

You have the wrong idea about all of this. God is not evil and God does not make anyone pull out a gun and murder anyone. He does not make you tell a lie, steal or fornicate. Man = sin & Satan = sin! So man needs someone to save them from their sins. Otherwise they will be eternally separated from God and join Satan in hell which is the just and due punishment for sin.
So if you are a unbeliever you will have to face God for your sins without the grace of Jesus taking your place. So if you do not have Jesus the only pure sacrifice that will pay for your sins you will face God by yourself and because you are not perfect you cannot pay for your sins and you will take your punishment for those sins. So no God is not standing by letting anything just happen. He has already laid out His plan and His answer to the unjustices of man and He has made a way for man to be redeemed from it all if you so choose.
If you don't then you are following the majority of people who will pay for their sins in hell. Whether you believe in God or not you will face Him and I promise you - you will not be smiling giggling or challenging Him in any way face to face. You will be rocked by His power and glory and you will remember this day in your life as the day you had a chance to choose Christ! You will regret your choices on this day literally forever.


If you don't believe in God, why are you so upset about the "evil" He permits? Where do you get your basis for good and evil.

The presence of evil is actually a better argument FOR God than against.


If you don't believe in God, why ask the question? Duh?

The reason you ask the question because you instinctively know you are a sinner.

" If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourself and the truth is not in us". -(I Jn. 1:8)

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