God is omniscient and omnipresent and of course God has a plan, right?

That's what people always say, "Oh don't worry, God has a plan..." So, God is omniscient and omnipresent and he has a plan, right? So why does his great plan include the murder of children and other such monstrous deeds and atrocities that man commits? Why would anyone want to be a part of that anyway? For your own salvation? That seems kind of screwy to me.

People have told me before that it's not their job to judge what God does and doesn't do. So he made everything, right? So why'd he make people he knew would murder children? For some fantastic plan!? To Hell with that! Even if a God existed, he doesn't deserve praise, love, and worship. I don't care if he promises me eternal happiness or if he threatens me with an eternity of burning in Hell, I will never worship an idle God. Besides, why's he so pushy, "Love Me!" "Worship Me!" "Go to Hell!" (Ha ha, Bad Humor).

Anyway, there isn't even any evidence for God's existence, so why believe it? Afraid of dying? Afraid that there's nothing after death, just non-existence, you wouldn't even know.

Yeah, I know, I'm just some lost sinner and need to find my way to God, yadda yadda yadda, heard that, didn't care then, probably don't care now, Hell for all eternity, check.

As you can tell, I obviously don't believe in any God.
Anyway, I know some of you are begging to know, "Why do you care anyway?" Curiosity my friends, it's killed cats, but as always, I elude death.


Favorite Answer

Here's how it was explained to me:
God's plan obviously doesn't include the murder of children, specifically, but it happens to be a very unfortunate side-effect. See, God wants humans to be free, so that they are truly individuals when they get to heaven. No one ever told me why He'd want true individuals in heaven though. I'm not sure why that would matter.
Anyway, if God stepped in to stop a murderer from doing what he or she is doing he stops them from exorcising their wills. It stops them from making their own choice and facing the consequences. I guess you could argue that the murderer in effect steals the child's free will but I guess God doesn't care about that part so long as He doesn't intervene.
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis is a pretty good book and it explains a lot of these issues in a very intelligent way, and although you may still disagree after reading it, the answers are way better than the ones you'll find here on yahoo answers. It's pretty short, about a 160 pages and the chapters are short, so it's an easy read.


Your premise is fake. Nothing you record is a "factor". God can do all matters. You have indexed collections of phrases which can be inherently contradictory, as in a rectangular circle.


There are two possibilities: 1.) God obviously has NO plan or, 2.) His plan is really badly flawed!


If you were one of the Persons of the Trinity, that is if you are also God, then you would know exactly why things happen and how some evil is necessary to attain a greater good. Otherwise, leave to God the task of managing our world and our lives. When you were an infant, would you question how your mother feed you, change your diapers, and care for your comfort? So if you have some gratitude for you mom for her undeserving love for you, the more so with God.

GREEN ALIEN2010-08-16T23:52:17Z

No god=no plan.

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