Do you call your significant other by their first and middle name when u want them to know u really love them?

And do you love it when they call you by your first and middle name?
Is it endearing to you?

dark bubble2010-08-17T12:23:48Z

Favorite Answer

The only person who ever called me by my first and middle names was my dad. No on else ever has.

Scotty Doesnt Know2010-08-17T13:43:21Z

Only one person in my entire life has ever called me by my first and middle name. I'm not sure if it was a fluke the first time, or it was intentional on the part of the person using it to do so, and if it was intentional, I'm not sure if the intention was to be endearing or if it was something else. However, I found it quite endearing, and still do today. I don't think I would like it if anyone else did that. Part of what makes it endearing is its uniqueness: I associate that with the one particular person who does it, and it would seem disingenuous if anyone else made the attempt.

I absolutely love it when that one particular person calls me by my first and middle name, and I melt (like butta) when I hear it from that one person. If anyone else ever DID call me by that, it'd probably just make me wish that the "one particular person" was saying it.

I call my significant other by a modified version of one of her names only, but that's because that's how I've always known her. Unless and until she tells me to stop, I'll probably keep calling her by that modified version. I'm pretty sure she knows I really love her regardless of which name I use. If she doesn't, then I suck at being a significant other.


no it is not endearing, i have a first name for a purpose.


No, we only call each other that when one of us is in trouble XD

He calls me Angel or Angel baby =) It always makes me blush.


no he calls me by my first name, just shortens alyssa to aly.

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