What to do if four cars come to a stop sign from every direction all at once?

You arrive at an all way stop at the same time as three other cars in each of the three other directions. Who has right-of-way and how do you proceed since there is infinitely a car to the right of you and all cars are going straight?


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if this is what you think about when driving then you shouldn't drive. If this is happening while you are driving, by the time you get an answer, you will be the only one left at the intersection and shouldn't be driving either. The answer is, it NEVER happens. EVEN WHEN THERE ARE 3 LANES AT A BLINKING RED LIGHT IN ALL DIRECTIONS.... Think about that one.

Aaron P2010-08-19T15:34:39Z

Actually there is an answer: The most basic rule of right of way should be given to the first one on the road. So you should get out of your car and , and go ask everybody: "Where did you turn onto this particular road?", in the case where they are all the exact same length, then you ask "What time did you start driving?". If they are all the same time, then you ask:" How many years have you had your driver's license?", if those are identical, then you ask" what's your social security number?" The lowest number gest to go first at the all way stop.

I had this happen once, it made me late for work. Now I just try to avoid all way stops.


As a practical matter, not all the drivers will know that they all arrived at the same time. The drivers who think that they might have arrived after one of the other drivers do not go. One of the drivers who knows that he or she did not arrive after any of the other drivers goes first.

If you do not know that you have the right of way, then you do not go. You wait for one of the other drivers to go, even if that driver also does not have the right of way. That way, that driver, and not you, gets the ticket. After one of the drivers has gone, normal right-of-way rules are applied to the remaining three cars.


You may occasionally arrive at a four-way stop sign at the same time as another driver. In such cases the driver to the right has the right of way...

However, not all drivers know this. If someone to your left decides to go first, let them!


well all drivers are different, i have only came upon that ones and all i did was wait and see if any car would make the move first and if no one does then inch your way out there. then if someone wants to go out as the same time just wave them on then go. hope that helps.

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