how to get out of a two year phone contract with att?

i just got new phone a couple months ago on att and now i want to go on my dads plan and he has sprint but apprently i have a two year contract and i was wondering how i can get outa it??... like if my phone was stollen would my contract be ova BUT IS THERE ANYOTHERE WAYY PLEASEW HELPP ME WITH A GOOD ANSWERE BECAUSE I REALLY WANT TO GET OUT OF ATT AND DONT GIVE AN ANSWERE LIKE IDK OR YOUR SCREWED BECAUSE I REALLY WANT OUT


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New ETF (Early Termination Fee)
Started June 1, 2010.
Ther are 2 categories for ETF's, based on the type of device purchased:

1. Customers who purchase devices in the advanced category , (Smartphones including PlackBerry, Android, & iPhone, and Netbooks) will have a starting ETF of $325 with a $10 monthly declining amount.

2. Customers who purchased standard devices (basic and Quick Messaging Phones, and Laptop Connect cards) will have a starting ETF of $150 with a $4 monthly declining amount.

This change only impacts new activations and upgrades and does not change any existing contract.

Paying the ETF will be your only viable option. The only ways to cancel a contract without an ETF is:

1. Death of the account holder
2. Move to an area of no service for AT&T that is verified by their coverage maps
3. Join the service and be transferred overseas to a no service area


Losing your phones, or having them stolen will not nullify your contract.

There are a possibilities, depending on carriers, that get out of a contract with a service provider:

* If you pay the Early Termination fees.
* If you move out of their coverage area.
* If there has been an adverse change in their fees, etc (such as raising their rates, adding more charges, etc) [Time Sensitive!]
* If there has been a change in their plan which imposes additional or new limits on your service: New or additional data use restrictions, calling restrictions, N & W changes, text messaging restrictions, etc. [Time Sensitive!]

Now, I, in no means, wish to lead you, or anyone else down the prim rose path! It is very difficult to get out of a cell phone contract without getting busted in your chops. Policies vary from provider to provider. The listed possibilities are often time-sensitive, so quick action is needed. Verification of the validity of the suggestions listed is also needed for each carrier.

I have not researched AT&T.

Good luck!


Yea but you might have to pay a very high cancellation fee because when i had my Verizon account and i wanted to switch and i still had a year on my contract they made me pay 300 for a early cancellation fee so yeah unless you really really wana do it. And no they if your phone is stolen it does not mean they can void the contract i asked them about that. So i suggests u cancel your phone pay the fee and movie on.


in case you pass to craigslist>electronics they have a lot of ATT or unlocked telephones so you might purchase at a budget and in case you detect a telephone this is locked there are various classified ads for unlocking them plenty greater reasonably-priced than procuring one from ATT because you have already got a settlement they're going to cost you finished cost i offered 2 sony 580i for $one hundred seventy five.00 used in basic terms 2 mo. the guy kost his activity and could desire to no longer save the settlement cxled in time shrink yet nevertheless had telephones and because I had a ATT account it became suitable for me desire this could be a answer for you


Theres an early termination fee you can pay. It may be up to $400 but its one of the only ways to get out of it. Also, no if your phone is stolen it does not get you out of your contract.

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