Why do so many people think that there are Black people who aren't of African descent?

With the exception of Papuans, Aboriginies and Fillipino Negritos (who many don't even consider Black, but a different race altogether), ALL black people have roots in Africa. Why don't more people know this?

Joel S2010-08-22T21:21:41Z

Favorite Answer

I think they refer to the direct descent of Africa, not counting those of Haitian ancestry or any other Caribbean ancestry. Ultimately ALL of us(blacks and non blacks) trace our ancestry to Africa in one way or another, but not all peoples immediate ancestors were from Africa.

Mr. Fox2010-08-21T20:56:41Z

Well some people feel so removed from Africa that they act like they just srpung out of the ground in parts of Caribbean and Latin America. This is partially because of cultural differences with modern Africans and internalized shame for the state of Africa.


This irritates me myself. My sister asks the dumb question of "wait why are Jamaican people black"? Well no duh, because they were shipped there from Africa! The races that do interest me the most though are the people from the Solomon Islands and all the other "black" races mentioned above. I'd like to know why they look so black.


I don''t know why.
It seems like some people think African Americans are the only blacks who are of african descend and that Caribbean blacks are not.
I guess they are not very well inform on the Atlantic Slave Trade.


i dont think anybody cares about where the monkeys came from, i think they're more concerned about how to get rid of the epidemic.